The EGM will commence at 7.00pm on Monday 25th March 2024.

The EGM will be a virtual meeting held on video (Google Meet).

The board of Irish Squash have called an EGM to be held on Monday 25th March 2024.

The purpose of this meeting is to allow members to vote on changes to our M&A’s as proposed by the board.

To attend the EGM, you must pre-register at The meeting link will then be emailed to you.

Extraordinary General Meeting of Irish Squash Federation CLG

The EGM will commence at 7.00pm on Monday 25th March 2024.

The EGM will be a virtual meeting held on video (Google Meet).

The board of Irish Squash have called an EGM to be held on Monday 25th March 2024.

The purpose of this meeting is to allow members to vote on changes to our M&A’s as proposed by the board.

To attend the EGM, you must pre-register at The meeting link will then be emailed to you.

Maurice Murphy

It’s with great sadness that we post this message. We learned this weekend that our great friend Maurice Murphy has passed. Maurice was a member of the Munster Squash committee for many years and spent some time as the Junior …

Maurice Murphy Read more »