Munster Leagues 23-24 Information

Welcome to the 23-24 Squash Season. The Munster Leagues are back. We are using SportyHQ for all Leagues activity, all club admins or team captains will be able to enter a team on SportyHQ.
We plan on starting divisions 1, 3, and 5 in mid-October, the deadline to submit your team is Sunday, October 8th, 2023. Divisions 2, 4, and 6 will start in mid-January, you can enter your team now. Please spread the word in your club.
What’s Next
All you have to do as a club is appoint your team captain per team for each division that you plan on participating in, your captain (or club Treasurer) can then enter the team into the division they plan on taking part.
Munster Squash will run divisions 1, 3, and 5 before Christmas, and divisions 2, 4, and 6 will run after Christmas.
Division 1 will be played on Tuesday Evening, Division 3 on Wednesday, and Division 5 on Thursday.
Division 2 will be played on Tuesday Evening, Division 4 on Wednesday, and Division 6 on Thursday.
Team captains can enter their teams through the SportyQH platform.